This is a key fob Programming service for a Rolls Royce phantom VI 2003-2012 \ for all keys lost situation or a spare key replacement with a Programming service to your car.
Did you Lost all the keys for your Phantom VI 2003-2012 or need a spare key?
No problem send us your CAS module + DME (for a spare key fob send the original key instead the DME module) and we will program a new key fob within 1-2 business days.
The key information is stored in 2 modules in this car Cas and DME.
Our key replacement programming service allows you to get a new key programed to your car without having to go to a dealership or service center. All you need to do is send us modules from your car, and our experienced technicians will program a new key that is specifically tailored to your car. We’ll then send the module and your new key back to you, and all you need to do is re-install the module in your car. It’s a quick and hassle-free solution that saves you time and money compared to traditional key replacement methods.
Our team of experts will carefully program the new key to your car, ensuring that it perfectly works every time. And because we use only the highest quality parts and equipment, you can rest assured that your new key will be reliable with a warranty.
*All keys lost or add second key
Requirements for the service:
– CAS module
– DME (or original key fob for a spare key)
We offer a variety of car key replacement services for Rolls Royce phantom VI, including key made, key replacement, key copy, key fob replacement, car key programming, lost key replacement, spare key replacement, key duplication, and more.
If you need a car key replacement for your Rolls Royce phantom VI 2003-2012, we got you covered. Our services are available in all states, including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Get started on your Rolls Royce phantom VI 2003-2012 car key replacement and programming needs.
– Keys are tested to ensure the key is fully functional before return.
– Replacement key programmed to work in your specific vehicle.
– 100% plug-and-play solution, no other coding is required.
Benefits We Offer
- Top-tier customer service
- Fast and Easy
- Save time and money
- Warranty
- 100% customer satisfaction
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